Investigation of informations extracted from Data collected at the Fish-reception operated by the Egilsstaðir Co-operative for Trout and Arctic Char durin the summer 1983

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Titill Investigation of informations extracted from Data collected at the Fish-reception operated by the Egilsstaðir Co-operative for Trout and Arctic Char durin the summer 1983

The report is an attempt to evaluate the data collected at the Fish-reception from biological point of view i.e. wether it is possible to use these information to base management decisions on the fisheries in different lakes.

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Árni Helgason
Flokkur Útgáfa Veiðimálastofnunar (1948-2016)
Útgáfuár 1984
Leitarorð trout, artic char, Artic char
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