Production in Icelandic fish farming in 1989

Nánari upplýsingar
Titill Production in Icelandic fish farming in 1989

This report on fish farming in Iceland contains statistical information about the production in fish farming for 1989. There are today 105 registered fish farms in Iceland compared to 125 in 1988 and 113 in 1987

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Jóhann Arnfinnsson
Nafn Vigfús Jóhannsson
Flokkur Útgáfa Veiðimálastofnunar (1948-2016)
Útgáfuár 1990
Blaðsíður 7
Leitarorð icelandic, fish farms, Icelandic, smolts,
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