Climatic variations and some examples of their effects on the marine ecology of Icelandic and Greenland waters, in particular during the present century
Nánari upplýsingar |
Titill |
Climatic variations and some examples of their effects on the marine ecology of Icelandic and Greenland waters, in particular during the present century |
Skráarviðhengi |
Ná í viðhengi |
Höfundar |
Nafn |
Hjálmar Vilhjálmsson |
Flokkun |
Flokkur |
Rit Fiskideildar (1937-1999) |
Útgáfuár |
1997 |
Leitarorð |
1997, climatic, variations, climate, effects, marine, ecology, Icelandic, icelandic, Greenland, greenland |
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