Atlantic mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey: Icelandic participation 2-16 May 2016. Preliminary Report. HV 2016-006

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Titill Atlantic mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey: Icelandic participation 2-16 May 2016. Preliminary Report. HV 2016-006

The cruise was a part of an international Atlantic survey. During the survey mackerel and horse mackerel eggs are sampled using a planktron torpedo or bongo nets. The data will be combined to provide fisheries independent estimate of the spawning stock biomass of western mackerel and horse mackerel.

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Björn Gunnarsson
Flokkur Haf- og vatnarannsóknir (2016-)
Útgáfuár 2016
Leitarorð Atlantic mackerel, egg survey, scomber scombus
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