Gestafyrirlestur 13. febrúar kl. 12:30

Gestafyrirlestur 13. febrúar kl. 12:30

Fimmtudaginn 13. febrúar mun Iwona Monika Galeczka, sérfræðingur við Háskóla Íslands og á Ísor, fjalla um efnaferla áls (Al) í þremur ám á Íslandi bæði við náttúrulegar aðstæður sem og í kjölfar eldsumbrota.

Erindið: Dissolved Al transformation paths in rivers during their natural stage and volcanic unrest, verður flutt í fyrirlestrarsal á jarðhæð að Skúlagötu 4, kl 12:30 og er öllum opið. Erindið verður á ensku.

The presence of high aluminum concentrations in surface waters has been of major concern due to its detrimental effect on aquatic life. When high Al-containing waters pass through the fish gills, deposition of Al-phases on the branchial surfaces leads to mucus production, and cell swelling causing respiratory and ion regulatory problems.

Three chemically distinct Icelandic rivers in their natural stage are alkaline and undersaturated with respect to amorphous aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3(am)). However, when mixed with acidic snow that is expected to form during volcanic activity, the river water becomes supersaturated with respect to Al(OH)3(am). This aluminum phase is likely to form in few seconds on the fish gills when the water is brought towards neutral pH. High pH and high Al river waters at the peak of summer also become supersaturated with respect to Al(OH)3(am) when brought to neutral pH. This study highlights the sensitivity of low alkalinity waters to external forcing of pH and Al mobility.

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