Málstofa 25. nóvember, kl. 12:30

Julian M. Burgos Julian M. Burgos

Fimmtudaginn 25. nóvember kl. 12:30 verður málstofa Hafrannsóknastofnunar haldin í fundarsal á 1. hæð að Fornubúðum 5 í Hafnarfirði.

Julian M. Burgos, sérfræðingur hjá Hafrannsóknastofnun flytur erindið: Benthic habitats and oceanography in Denmark Strait / Búsvæði á sjávarbotni og haffræði Grænlandssunds

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In this talk we will present some results from the BENCHMARK cruise, carried out in the summer of 2021 to characterize the benthic habitats and oceanography of Denmark Strait. The area is believed to harbour a diversity of benthic habitats, given the high variability in depth, oceanographic conditions, and sediment types in the area. Yet except for some locations within the Icelandic EEZ the area has not been well studied. During the cruise a total of 24 ROV dives were carried out along three transects on, north and south of the Iceland - Greenland ridge, during which we observed a rich diversity of bethic habitats, including sponge aggregations, seapen fields, and coral gardens. Hydrographic measurements including 27 CTD casts, and underway measurements using an ADCP and a thermosalinograph provided a detailed description of the water masses and oceanographic conditions in the area. In addition, multibeam echosounder was used to map the areas where the ROV dives were carried out.

Um Julian
Julian M. Burgos hefur starfað sem sérfræðingur á Botnsjávarsviði Hafrannsóknastofnunar frá árinu 2009. Rannsóknir hans beinast einkum að djúpsjónum og viðkvæmum vistkerfum í sjó. Meginviðfangsefnin eru kortlagning búsvæða, líkanagerð með það að markmiði að áætla dreifingu tegunda út frá umhverfiseiginleikum og samverkun fiskveiða og búsvæða. Julian er með B.Sc. gráðu í líffræði frá National University of Patagonia í Argentínu, M.Sc. í sjávarlíffræði frá College of Charleston í South Carolina (Bandaríkin) og PhD gráðu í fiski- og vatnafræðum frá University of Washington (Bandaríkin).

Julian M. Burgos is a researcher with the Demersal Division at Hafrannsóknastofnun. His main areas of research are marine habitat mapping, species distribution modelling, and fisheries-habitat interactions. His focus is on deep-sea habitats, in particular vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Julian has a B.Sc. in biology from the National University of Patagonia (Argentina), a M.Sc. in marine biology from the College of Charleston in South Carolina (USA) and a PhD in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences from the University of Washington (Seattle, USA). He joined Hafrannsóknastofnun in 2009.

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