
Titill Útgáfuár Höfundar
Instra-seasonal variability of the DWBC in the western supolar North Atlantic 2015 J.Fischer, J. Karstensen, R. Zantopp, M.Visbeck, A.Biastock, E. Behrens, C.W. Böning, D.Qadfasel, K.Jochumse, Héðinn Valdimarsson, S.Jónsson, S.Bacon, N.P.Holliday, S.Dye, M.Rhein, C. Mertens Skoða
Hydrogen sulfide and traffic-related air pollutants in association with increased mortality: a case-crossover study in Reykjavik, Iceland 2015 Ragnhildur Guðrún Finnbjörnsdóttir, Bjarki Þór Elvarsson Skoða
Distribution, abundance, and feeding ecology of baleen whales in icelandic waters: have recent environmental changes had an effect? 2015 Gísli A. Víkingsson, Bjarki Þór Elvarsson, Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson Skoða
Behavioral dependent dispersal in the invasive Round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) depends on population age 2015 Magnús Thorlacius, Hellström G., Brodin T. Skoða
Movements of female lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) around Iceland. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72, 880–889. DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsu170 2015 James Kennedy, Sigurður Þór Jónsson, Jacob M. Kasper, Halldór Gunnar Ólafsson Skoða
Bridging the gap between marine biogeochemical and fisheries sciences; configuring the zooplankton link 2014 Aditee Mitra, Claudia Castellani, Wendy C, Sigrún H. Jónasdóttir, Kevin J. Flynn, Antonio Bode, Claudia Halsband, Penelope K. Lindeque, Rolf Koppelmann, Eva Friis Möller, Ástþór Gíslason, Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Michael St. John Skoða
The North Atlantic Ocean as habitat for Calanus finmarchicus: Environmental factors and life history traits 2014 Webjörn Melle, Jeffrey Runge, Erica Head, Stéphane Plourde, Claudia Castellani, Priscilla Licandro, James Pierson, Sigrún H. Jónasdóttir, Catherine Johnson, Cecilie Broms, Högni Debes, Tone Falkenhaug, Eiliv Gaard, Ástþór Gíslason, Michael Heath, Barbara Niehoff, Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Pierre Pepin, Erling Kåre Stenevik, Guillem Chust Skoða
Comparative ecology of widely distributed pelagic fish species in the North Atlantic: Implications for modelling climate and fisheries impacts 2014 Verena M. Trenkel, Geir Huse, Brian R. MacKenzie, Paula Alavarez, Haritz Arrizabalanga, Martin Castonguay, Nicolas Goni, Francois Grégoire, Hjálmar Hátún, Teunis Jansen, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Patrick Lehodey, Molly E. Lutacavage, Patrizio Mariani, Gary D. Melvin, John D. Neilson, Leif Nøttestad, Guðmundur J. Óskarsson, Mark R. Payne, David E. Richardson, Inna Senina, Douglas C. Speirs Skoða
Transcriptional dynamics of a conserved gene expression network associated with craniofacial divergence in Arctic charr 2014 Eshan Pashay Ahi, Kalina H. Kapralova, Arnar Pálsson, Valerie Helene Maier, Jóhannes Guðbrandsson, Sigurður S. Snorrason, Zophonías O. Jónsson, Sigríður Rut Franzdóttir Skoða
Meridional overturning transports at 7.5N and 24.5N in the Atlantic Ocean during 1992–93 and 2010–11 2014 Alonso Hernández-Guerra, Josep L. Pelegrí, Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, Verónica M. Benítez-Barrios, Mikhail Emelianov, Maria Dolores Pérez‐Hernández, Pedro Vélez-Belchi Skoða
Long-term changes in abundance of Calanus finmarchicus south and north of Iceland in relation to environmental conditions and regional diversity in spring 1990–2013 2014 Ástþór Gíslason, Hildur Pétursdóttir, Kristinn Guðmundsson Skoða
Investigating Population Genetic Structure in a Highly Mobile Marine Organism: The Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata in the North East Atlantic 2014 Maria Quintela, Hans J. Skaug, Nils Öien, Tore Haug, Björghild B. Seliussen, Hiroko K. Solvang, Christophe Pampoulie, Naohisa Kanda, Luis A. Pastene, Kevin A. Glover Skoða
Long-term changes of euphausiids in shelf and oceanic habitats southwest, south and southeast of Iceland 2014 Teresa Silva, Ástþór Gíslason, Priscilla Licandro, Guðrún Marteinsdóttir, Ana Sofia A. Ferreira, Kristinn Guðmundsson, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
A comparison of pigmentation features among North Atlantic killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations 2014 Filipa I. P. Samarra, Gísli A. Víkingsson Skoða
Codes of Conduct: Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas 2014 Georgette Leah Burns, Sandra Magdalena Granquist Skoða
Erratum to: Effects of pCO2 on physiology and skeletal mineralogy in a tidal pool coralline alga Corallina elongata 2014 Hrönn Egilsdóttir, Fanny Noisette, Laure M.-L. J. Noël, Jón Ólafsson, Sophie Martin Skoða
Climate change and primary industries: Impacts, adaptation and mitigation in the Nordic countries 2014 Sepul Kanti Barua, Peer Berg, Annegrete Bruvoll, Christel Cederberg, Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Arne Eide, Emma Eyþórsdóttir, Sigurður Guðjónsson, Leó Alexander Guðmundsson Skoða
Divergence by depth in an oceanic fish 2014 Peter Shum, Christophe Pampoulie, Carlotta Sacchi, Stefano Mariani Skoða
Evidence of spawning skippers in Atlantic cod from data storage tags 2014 Ingibjörg G. Jónsdóttir, Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, Ólafur K. Pálsson, Gunnar G. Tómasson, Christophe Pampoulie Skoða
Inter- and intra-specific diurnal habitat selection of zooplankton during the spring bloom observed by Video Plankton Recorder 2014 Julie Sainmont, Ástþór Gíslason, Jan Heuschele, Clare N. Webster, Peter Sylvander, Miao Wang, Öystein Varpe Skoða
Spatially explicit estimates of stock sizes, structure and biomass of herring and blue whiting, and catch data of bluefin tuna 2014 Geir Huse, Brian R. MacKenzie, Verena M. Trenkel, Mathieu Doray, Leif Nøttestad, Guðmundur J. Óskarsson Skoða
The effect of land based seal watching tourism on the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland 2014 Sandra Magdalena Granquist, Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir Skoða
Postglacial climate changes and rise of three ecotypes of harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in western Palearctic waters 2014 Michaël C. Fontaine, Kathleen Roland, Isabelle Calves, Frederic Austerlitz, Friso P. Palstra, Krystal A. Tolley, Sean Ryan, Marisa Ferreira, Thierry Jauniaux, Ángela Llavona, Bayram Öztürk, Ayaka Öztürk, Vincent Ridoux, Emer Rogan, Marina Sequeira, Ursula Siebert, Gísli A. Víkingsson, Asunción Borrell, Johan R. Michaux, Alex Aguilar Skoða
Female body condition affects foetal growth in a capital breeding mysticete 2014 Fredrik Christiansen, Gísli A. Víkingsson, Marianne Rasmussen, David Lusseau Skoða
Efnasamsetning, rennsli og aurburður straumvatna á Austurlandi XI. Gagnagrunnur Jarðvísindastofnunar og Veðurstofunnar 2014 Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, Árni Snorrason, Jórunn Harðardóttir, Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir, Árný E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Rebecca A. Neely Skoða
Efnasamsetning, rennsli og aurburður straumvatna á Suðurlandi XVII. Gagnagrunnur Jarðvísindastofnunar og Veðurstofunnar 2014 Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir, Jórunn Harðardóttir, Sigurður Reynir Gíslason Skoða
Genetic structure of the lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus across the North Atlantic 2014 Christophe Pampoulie, Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Sarah J. Helyar, Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, Sigurður Þór Jónsson, Alain Fréchet, Caroline M. F. Durif, Sally Sherman, Magdalena Lampart-Kaluzniacka, Rasmus Berg Hedeholm, Halldór Ólafsson, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Jacob Kasper Skoða
Fin whale MDH‐1 and MPI allozyme variation is not reflected in the corresponding DNA sequences 2014 Morten Tange Olsen, Christophe Pampoulie, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Emmelie Lidh, Martine Bérubé, Gísli A. Víkingsson, Per J. Palsböll Skoða
A new compilation of stomach content data for commercially important pelagic fish species in the northeast Atlanti 2014 Guðmundur J. Óskarsson Skoða
Palindromic Sequence Artifacts Generated during Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation from Historic and Ancient DNA 2014 Bastiaan Star, Alexander J. Nederbragt, Marianne H. S. Hansen, Morten Skage, Gregor D. Gilfillian, Ian R. Bradbury, Christophe Pampoulie, Nils C. Stenseth, Kjetill S. Jacobsen, Sissel Jentoft Skoða
Description of Ulvella elegans sp. nov. and U. islandica sp. nov. (Ulvellaceae, Ulvophyceae) from Iceland – a study based on morphology of species in culture and tufA gene sequences 2014 Ruth Nielsen, Karl Gunnarsson, Niels Daugbjerg, Gitte Petersen Skoða
Present-Day Genetic Structure of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Icelandic Rivers and Ice-Cap Retreat Models 2014 Kristinn Ólafsson, Christophe Pampoulie, Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir, Sigurður Guðjónsson, Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson Skoða
Efnasamsetning, rennsli og aurburður Norðurár í Norðurárdal III. Gagnagrunnur Jarðvísindastofnunar og Veðurstofunnar 2014 Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Rebecca A. Neely, Svava Björk Þorláksdóttir, Sigurður Reynir Gíslason Skoða
Atlantic wolf‐fish Anarhichas lupus population diversity: growth and maturation 2014 Ásgeir Gunnarsson Skoða
Two Modes of Gulf Stream Variability Revealed in the Last Two Decades of Satellite Altimeter Data 2014 Maria Dolores Pérez‐Hernández, Terrence M. Joyce Skoða
Endurheimtur makrílmerkja við Ísland 2014 Guðmundur J. Óskarsson, Aril Slotte Skoða
Invasive Species: Case studies from Iceland 2014 Guðrún G. Þórarinsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson, Óskar Sindri Gíslason Skoða
Fish feed from wood 2014 Björn Alriksson, Andreas Hörnberg, Ásgeir Eiríkur Guðnason, Stephen Knobloch, Jón Árnason, Ragnar Jóhannsson Skoða
Zooplankton composition and trophic relations on feeding grounds of capelin in the Iceland Sea 2014 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason, Hildur Pétursdóttir Skoða
Varpar togararallið ljósi á stofnstærð grásleppu? 2014 Jón Sólmundsson, James Kennedy Skoða
Lax og silungsveiðin 2013 2014 Guðni Guðbergsson, Magnús Jóhannsson Skoða
Recent changes in the diet composition of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in Icelandic waters. A consequence of climate change? 2014 Gísli A. Víkingsson, Bjarki Þór Elvarsson, Droplaug Ólafsdóttir, Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Valérie Chosson, Anton Galan Skoða
Breytileiki í vexti og kynþroska milli ára 2014 Ásgeir Gunnarsson Skoða
Chemical composition of precipitation and river water in southern Iceland: effects of Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruptions and geothermal power plants 2014 Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Árni Sigurðsson, Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, Peter Torssander Skoða
Efnasamsetning Þingvallavatns 2007 – 2013 2014 Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Sigurður Reynir Gíslason Skoða
The seasonal cycle of δ3CDIC in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre 2014 Racapé V., Metzl N, Pierre C, Reverdin G, Quay P. D., Sólveig R. Ólafsdóttir Skoða
Advective and atmospheric forced changes in hear and fresh water content in the Norwegian Sea, 1951-2010 2014 Héðinn Valdimarsson Skoða
International Ecosystem Survey In Nordic Sea (IESNS) IN April-June 2014. Working Document, 2014 Maxim Rybakov, Y. Firsov, M. Nosov, O.Goncharova, Ö.Tangen, V.Anthonypillai, K.Utne, A.Höines, K.A. Mork, W. Melle, E.K. Stenevik, K.J. Stæhr, B. Couperus, M. Kloppmann, Guðmundur J. Óskarsson, Sveinn Sveinbjörnsson, Héðinn Valdimarsson, L. Smith, E.I. Homrum, P. Vestergaard, J.A. Thomassen Skoða
Evaluating stock structure hypotheses using genetically determined close relatives: a simulation study on north atlantic fin whales 2014 Bjarki Þór Elvarsson Skoða
Seasonal dynamics of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations spawning in the vicinity of marginal habitats 2014 Florian Eggers, Aril Slotte, Lísa Anne Libungan, Arne Cecilie Johannessen, Cecilie Kvamme, Even Moland, Esben M. Olsen Skoða
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