
Titill Útgáfuár Höfundar
Long-term variation in phytoplankton productivity during spring in Icelandic waters 1998 Kristinn Guðmundsson Skoða
Environmental conditions, zooplankton and capelin in the waters north of Iceland 1998 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Variability in the population structure of Calanus finmarchicus in Icelandic waters in spring 1998 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Seasonal variations in biomass, abundance and composition of zooplankton in the subarctic waters north of Iceland 1998 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Merkingar og veiðar á skarkola í sunnanverðum Breiðafirði 1998 Jón Sólmundsson, Hjalti Karlsson Skoða
Animal Communities in Icelandic Rivers in Relation to Catchment Characteristics and Water Chemistry: Preliminary Results 1998 Gísli Már Gíslason, Jón S. Ólafsson, Hákon Aðalsteinsson Skoða
Efnasamsetning Elliðánna 1997-1998 1998 Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, Björn Þór Guðmundsson, Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir Skoða
Efnasamsetning vatns í kísilgúr á botni Mývatns 1998 Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir, Jón S. Ólafsson Skoða
Íslensk votlendi: verndun og nýting 1998 Jón S. Ólafsson Skoða
Distribution, migration and abundance of norwegian spring spawning herring in relation to the temperature and zooplankton biomass in the Norwegian sea as recorded by coordinated surveys in spring and summer 1996 1998 Ole Arve Misund, Hjálmar Vilhjálmsson, Stein Hjalti, Ingolf Röttingen, Sergei Belikov, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Jón Jónsson, Alexander Krysov, Svend Aage Malmberg, Sveinn Sveinbjörnsson Skoða
Fæða sex tegunda sjófugla við Ísland að sumarlagi 1998 Kristján Lilliendahl, Jón Sólmundsson Skoða
Þorskurinn í Breiðafirði 1998 Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, Höskuldur Björnsson, Jón Sólmundsson, Guðjón Ingi Eggertsson Skoða
Sjávarnytjar við Ísland 1998 Karl Gunnarsson, Gunnar Jónsson, Ólafur K. Pálsson Skoða
Könnun á flatfiski í Faxaflóa með dragnót sumrin 1996 og 1997. Rannsóknarskýrsla / Flatfish Survey in Faxaflói with Danish Seine in Summers 1996 and 1997 - Survey Report. Fjölrit nr. 69.1998 1998 Jónbjörn Pálsson, Björn Ævarr Steinarsson, Einar Hjörleifsson, Gunnar Jónsson, Hörður Andrésson, Kristján Kristinsson Skoða
Biology of euphausiids in the subarctic waters north of Iceland 1997 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
An estimate of summer food consumption of six seabird species in Iceland 1997 Kristján Lilliendahl, Jón Sólmundsson Skoða
On the food of capelin in the subarctic waters north of Iceland 1997 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Food of capelin in the subarctic waters north of Iceland 1997 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Fæða loðnu í hafinu fyrir norðan Ísland 1997 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Árstíðabreytingar dýrasvifs fyrir norðan Ísland 1997 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Samfélög dýrasvifs í hafinu við Ísland 1997 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Stefnumörkun í fjarkönnun á Íslandi 1997, greinargerð og tillögur nefndar umhverfisráðuneytisins 1997 Magnús Guðmundsson, Kolbeinn Árnason, Þorbjörg Kjartansdóttir, Axel Björnsson, Guðmundur Guðjónsson, Gunnar H. Jónsson, Haukur Tómasson, Magnús Jónsson, Ólafur Arnalds, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Stefán Thors Skoða
Report on surveys of the distribution, abundance and migration of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring, other pelagic fish and the environment of the Norwegian Sea and adjacent waters in late winter, spring and summer of 1997 1997 Héðinn Valdimarsson, O. A. Misund, F. Arrhenius, J. C. Holst, Ástþór Gíslason, A. Guðmundsdóttir, J. A. Jacobsen, A. Krysov, Svend Aage Malmberg, D. Reid Skoða
Stofnmæling botnfiska á Íslandsmiðum haustið 1996. Fjölrit nr. 61 1997 Þorsteinn Sigurðsson, Einar Hjörleifsson, Höskuldur Björnsson, Ólafur K. Pálsson Skoða
Seasonal abundance of and estimated food consumption by cetaceans in Icelandic and adjacent waters 1997 Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Gísli A. Víkingsson Skoða
On dynamic interactions between some fish resources and cetaceans off Iceland based on a simulation model 1997 Gunnar Stefánsson, Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Gísli A. Víkingsson Skoða
Feeding of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off Iceland—diurnal and seasonal variation and possible rates 1997 Gísli A. Víkingsson Skoða
Um Alþjóðahafrannsóknaráðið 1996 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Telechelic ionomers studied by light scattering and dynamic mechanical measurements 1996 Christophe Chassenieaux, Ragnar Jóhannsson, Dominique Durand, Taco Nicolai, Pierre Vanhoorne, Robert Jérome Skoða
Seasonal development of Calanus finmarchicus along an inshore-offshore gradient southwest of Iceland 1996 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Seasonal variations in biomass, abundance and composition of zooplankton north of Iceland 1996 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Populations genetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial loci in skin biopsies collected from central and northeastern North Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae): population identity and migratory destinations 1996 larsen A.H., Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Gísli A. Víkingsson, Palsboll P Skoða
Næringarefni í sjó undan Ánanaustum í nóvember 1995 1996 Jón Ólafsson, Magnús Danielsen, Sólveig R. Ólafsdóttir, Þórarinn Arnarson Skoða
Dynamic Properties of the Transient Network formed by Telechelic Ionomers Studied by Dynamic Light Scattering and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis 1995 Ragnar Jóhannsson, Christophe Chassenieaux, Dominique Durand, Taco Nicolai, Pierre Taberlet, Robert Jérome Skoða
Seasonal cycle of zooplankton southwest of Iceland 1995 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Structure and Dynamics of Nonionic Polyoxyethylenic Reverse Micelles by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Quenching 1995 Marilena Vasilescu, Agneta Caragheorgheopol, Mats Almgren, Wyn Brown, Jan Alsins, Ragnar Jóhannsson Skoða
Long-term changes in zooplankton biomass in Icelandic waters in spring 1995 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the shelf area southwest of Iceland in early May 1991 and 1992 1995 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Zooplankton biomass and composition in the western Iceland Sea during autumn 1995 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason, Guðmundur S. Jónsson Skoða
Body condition of fin whales during summer off Iceland 1995 Gísli A. Víkingsson Skoða
Sitthvað smátt um svifið. Umhverfisrannsóknir á hrygningarslóðinni 1994 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson Skoða
Dýrasvif í hafinu við Ísland 1994 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason Skoða
Cod and Climate Change, Proceedings of a Symposium held in Reykjavik, 23- 27 August 1993 1994 Jakob Jakobsson, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, R. H. J. Beverton, Björn Björnsson, Niels Daan, Kenneth T. Frank, Jens Meinke, Brian Rothschild, Svein Sundby, Snorre Tilseth Skoða
Distribution, abundance and length of pelagic juvenile cod in Icelandic waters in relation to environmental conditions 1994 Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Ástþór Gíslason, Ásta Guðmundsdóttir Skoða
Phytoplankton, Calanus finmarchicus, and fish eggs southwest of Iceland 1990-1992 1994 Ástþór Gíslason, Ólafur S. Ástþórsson, Hafsteinn G. Guðfinnsson Skoða
Hydrothermal activity on the Reykjanes Ridge: the Steinahóll vent-field at 63 06 N 1994 C.R. German, Jóhannes Briem, et al., Magnús Danielsen, et. al., Jón Ólafsson Skoða
Time-resolved fluorescence probing of oil-in-water microemulsions stabilised by non-ionic surfactants 1994 Paul D. I. Fletcher, Ragnar Jóhannsson Skoða
Klórlífræn efni, þungmálmar og næringarsölt á Íslandsmiðum. 1994 Jón Ólafsson, Guðjón Atli Auðunsson, Stefán Einarsson, Magnús Danielsen Skoða
Stock'related changes in biological parameters of the Icelandic summer'Spawning herring 1993 Jakob Jakobsson, Ásta Guðmundsdóttir, Gunnar Stefánsson Skoða
Intradroplet exchange rate and activation energy of fusion in AOT water/oil microemulsions in the cluster regime of the L2 phaseL 1993 Ragnar Jóhannsson, Mats Almgren Skoða
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