Pamela J. Woods will give a lecture at MFRI on October 18. The lecture will be held in the 1st floor auditorium at Skúlagata 4, and will commence at 12:30 pm. The lecture is titled Inshore fisheries for the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis in Iceland: a stock assessment including ecosystem effects and will be held in English.
Inshore fisheries for the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis in Iceland: a stock assessment including ecosystem effects
Pamela J. Woods
Co authors Bjarki Þ. Elvarsson, Ingibjörg G. Jónsdóttir and Guðmundur Þórðarson
Historically, the assessment and advice for the inshore fishery of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis in Iceland has suffered from difficulties because the species is relatively short-lived, age data are lacking, and population dynamics appear to be recruitment-driven. Within the past two decades, shrimp survey data have showed reductions in biomass levels, leading to a series of fishery closures that are often disputed by stakeholders. Reductions in biomass levels may be a result of past overfishing, but may also result from concomitant increases in temperature or predation by cod (Gadusmorhua), haddock (Melanogrammusaeglefinus), and whiting (Merlangiusmerlangus), whose biomass levels have simultaneously increased within fjords. In this study, we performed a size-structured stock assessment of fjord-specific shrimp populations using Gad t that included the effects of temperature and predation. This model will be used to evaluate the current harvest control rules, given ecosystem effects on shrimp stock dynamics.