
Starfsstöðvar Hafrannsóknastofnunar eru níu talsins, auk tveggja rannsóknaskipa, sem gerð eru út frá Hafnarfirði.


The Akureyri branch was established in 1990. Its main task involves sampling from landed fish catches in northern Iceland. Employees are involved in various research projects and expeditions.

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In 1988 a mariculture laboratory was built 7 km west of Grindavík. 

The greatest emphasis has been put on studying the farming potential of the four following species, halibut, cod, turbot, and abalone. 

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The branch in Hvammstangi is in collaboration with The Icelandic Seal Center and was established in 2009. One of the main research projects is to monitor the status of the Icelandic seal populations. 

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The Hvanneyri branch is a part of MFRI Freshwater Division. It was established in 1978 as a branch of the Institute of Freshwater Fisheries. Originally located in the town of Borgarnes, it moved to Hvanneyri in 2004 and is located on the premises of the Agricultural University of Iceland.

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MFRI has operated a branch in Ísafjörður since 1976. Its main task includes data sampling form landed catches, sampling and analysis of stomach content of cod, haddock and saithe, fishing gear research, and supervision and maintenance of fishing gear used for stock assessment. The branch is responsible for all use and supervision of the institute's underwater cameras. 

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The branch in Selfoss has been operated since 1986 and is a part of MFRI Freshwater Division. Main projects are related to ecosystem research in rivers and lakes in Southern Iceland. A substantial part of research conducted by employees of the branch is connected to assessing the impact of various construction projects (e.g. hydropower plants) on freshwater ecosystems.

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Data sampling from fish catches is an important part of the work conducted at the Vestmannaeyjar branch, which has been in operation since 1986. Employees participate in various MFRI research projects.

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Our headquarters are located at Skúlagata 4 in central Reykjavík, Iceland's capital. Approximately 2/3 of the institute's employees are based there. At Skúlagata there are specialised laboratories, information centre, library, and an auditorium.

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Starfstöð Hafrannsóknastofnunar í Neskaupstað er í ysta hluta bæjarins í nýuppgerðu húsi við Nesbakka 3 sem kallast Múlinn. Byggingin skiptist í skrifstofuklasa og hýsir fjölmörg fyrirtæki og stofnanir.

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