Data Policy

Data Policy

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) preserves extensive and long term information from research on the Icelandic marine and freshwater environment and their living resources. The longest data series date back to the beginning of the 20th century and every year a large amount of data are added. The data are highly valuable and form e.g. the basis for the TAC advice and recommendations on all the major fish species exploited in Icelandic waters provided by the MFRI to the authorities and other stake holders.

The data policy deals solely with digital data and outlines the terms and conditions for responsible and appropriate use of the MFRI’s data and information resources. The aim is to make as much data as possible accessible online in the coming years. The MFRI further holds data from a third party. Such data are not made accessible without the consent of its owner.


Data collected or generated by the MFRI itself are the property of the institute. For data collected by the MFRI for external buyers or as part of contracted projects a signed contract on ownership and use of the data will be made for each case. Data collected by the MFRI are stored in the institute’s databases.


Data refers to scientific data in digital form, i.e. raw data, metadata, calculated and derived data (i.e. from model calculations).


The MFRI reserves the right to process the data before they are made available.

In the coming years the MFRI will seek to make metadata available on its website. Furthermore, the MFRI aims to set up a web portal to make access to spatial data that the institute is responsible for and fall under the Act on the Infrastructure for Digital Spatial Data.

In the cases where data has not yet been made available clients can submit a request for particular data using the Contact Page. If a request for data requires significant work or processing by the institute’s employees, charges may be levied based on the amount of work involved.

Terms of usage

If and when the data are used for presentation or publication a reference must be made to the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.

The MFRI requires that all data be treated ethically and in an appropriate and responsible manner. Furthermore, the interpretation of the data is entirely the responsibility of the user.

Users may not resell the data which they have had delivered from the MFRI.

The MFRI is not responsible for any harm or damage that may result from incorrect or missing data.


The MFRI does not hand over data from a third party for inspection, use or publication without the previous consent of the owner.

Experimental data will not be made available until results have been published.

The MFRI will not make confidential data or data with legal restrictions accessible.

Review period

This policy will be reviewed every two years or more frequently, if necessary.


The director, together with the executive board, reviews and approves the data policy before it is published.

Related documents

Act on Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (no. 112/2015)

Freedom of information laws (no. 31, 140/2012)

Act on Infrastructure for Digital Spatial Data (no. 44/2011)

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