The Fisheries Training Programme in Iceland was first established under the auspices of the United Nations University.
In 1998 an agreement was signed between the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the United Nations University, and the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland and for 22 years the programme operated under the name UNU-FTP educating over 400 fellows from more than 60 countries.
Initially, the focus was on the development of our core six-month training programme for practising fisheries professionals from less developed countries.
However, the FTP now offers scholarships supporting former fellows who qualify for master’s and doctoral studies at Icelandic academic institutions and cooperates in the development of short courses held in partner countries.
On the 1st January 2020, FTP joined hands with UNESCO through its membership in GRÓ International Centre for Capacity Development -- Sustainable use of Natural Resources and Societal Change.
The FTP operates in collaboration with academic institutions, private fishing companies, governmental institutions and research firms. Its Icelandic partner institutes, including the University of Iceland, Matís Food Research, the University of Akureyri, Holar University, as well as the MFRI, represent a diverse assortment of expertise in field of fisheries.
The FTP works with many international and regional bodies on strengthening institutional capacity in fisheries.
Six-month training programme
Each year, the FTP offers a 6-month training course in Iceland. The aim of this course is to strengthen the professional capacity of FTP Fellows to actively contribute to the work done in their organizations and to recognize development potential in their home countries.
The 6-month training course runs from September to February, and is divided into three parts; the introductory course, the specialization line, and the individual research project.
Short courses
The FTP offers financial and technical support to develop and deliver short courses in developing countries. Through the process of short course development, the FTP aims to enhance the capacity of our partner countries to deliver fisheries education at a local level.
FTP short courses are developed in partnership with in-country training agencies and academic institutions, former FTP fellows, and our partner agencies in Iceland. After the first iteration of the course, teachers in our partner institutions take over and deliver the course to ensure sustained positive impact.
UN-FTP website