Zero catch advice for capelin remains

Zero catch advice for capelin remains

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) advises that when the harvest control rule agreed by the Coastal States is applied, there should be zero catch in winter 2024/2025.

This advice is based on results from acoustic measurements on the capelin stock by RV Árni Friðriksson (Icelandic), FV Polar Ammassak and RV Tarajoq (Greenlandic) conducted during the period 21 August to 1 October 2024.

The acoustic survey is considered to have covered the distribution area of the stock. The survey estimate had low coefficient of variation as the capelin was relatively evenly distributed.

The total biomass came to 610 000 tonnes of which the mature part of the stock amounted to 307 000 tonnes. When accounted for the estimated predation until spawning in March, the spawning stock biomass is estimated to be 193 000 tonnes. The goal of the management plan is to set the final total allowable catch with >95% probability of SSB being greater than or equal to Blim of 114 000 tonnes at spawning time. That will not be reached according to the stock assessment resulting in zero catch advice for the current fishing season.

The estimated number of juveniles came to 57 billion. More than 50 billion is required to provide non-zero preliminary advice for the next fishing season (2025/26) according to the management plan, but ICES will give advice on fishing opportunities for that season in June 2025.

The advice will be revised on basis results of the traditional winter acoustic measurements of the capelin stock in January 2025.

Figure 1. Survey tracks of RV Tarajoq (blue), FV Polar Ammassak (red) and RS Árni Friðriksson (green) in August-October 2024, and the capelin distribution according to the acoustic values.

Find more on MRFI's capelin advice here, technical report here and survey report here.

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