News & announcements

This is flat periwinkle (Littorina obtusata) on 
green algae ( Acrosiphonia arcta).

Merry Christmas

No TAC recommended for capelin during the 2019/2020 season

No TAC recommended for capelin during the 2019/2020 season

Acoustic measurements of the capelin stock were undertaken 12th September – 21st October 2019
Figure illustrating the great diversity of the mesopelagic layer showing two fish species and severa…

New EU project on sustainable mesopelagic fisheries

Researchers are to look into whether organisms living deep in the oceans can be exploited in an ecologically and economically sustainable way
Photo: Svanhildur Egilsdóttir

ICES advice on fishing opportunities of widely distributed pelagic fish stocks

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has released advice on fishing opportunities of widely distributed pelagic fish stocks, including Norwegian spring-spawning herring, blue whiting and Northeast-Atlantic mackerel.
Picture of the group

Deciphering and protecting the last known abundant and unexploited marine ecosystem on Earth

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute is participating in SUMMER EU-project funded by the European Commission
Opportunities, challenges and technical advances in eDNA studies

Opportunities, challenges and technical advances in eDNA studies

Biological diversity is probably declining more rapidly than ever before in the history of the Oceans
Photo: Ásta Kristín Guðmundsdóttir

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute encourages fishermen to release the salmon they catch this summer and be gentle in their fishing in Icelandic rivers

Low return rates of salmon from the sea this summer are resulting in low number of salmon running up many rivers in Iceland. This is important so the spawning stock this autumn will be as strong as it can be.
The annual international ecosystem summer survey in Nordic Seas has started

The annual international ecosystem summer survey in Nordic Seas has started

The annual internationalecosystem summer survey in Nordic Seas has started
Advice released April 24, 2019

Advice released April 24, 2019

Northern Shrimp (Snæfellsnes)
Advice released March 29, 2019

Advice released March 29, 2019

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