News & announcements

The humpback whale ISMN1586 in Faxaflói bay.

Humpback whale ISMN1586 from Cape Verde to Iceland in June 2021

In June the 19th 2021, a whale (ISMN1586) was seen and photographed in Faxaflói, by Special tour whale watching company
Image Jónas P. Jónasson

MFRI's advice on fishing opportunities for 29 fish stocks in Icelandic waters in the 2021/2022 quota year has been released

MFRI advises a TAC of 222 737 t of cod for the 2021/2022 fishing year. The advised TAC is a 13% decline from the current fishing year's TAC of 256 593 t. The advice is based on the management plan adopted by Icelandic authorities
Image: Svanhildur Egilsdóttir.

Report about sampling in the Irminger Sea and the Iceland Basin

A report (HV 2021-22) has been published on sampling that took place in the Irminger Sea and the Iceland Basin in July 2020 for the project “Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries” (MEESO), funded by the European Union
Image. MFRI

Advice for female lumpfish - 9040 tons

The MFRI recommends that fishing for female lumpfish in the 2020/2021 fishing year should not exceed 9040 tonnes
Image from ECOTIP website

The MFRI announces partnership in a four-year H2020 ECOTIP project

Project that will investigate ecosystem tipping points and cascades in the Arctic Sea
Distribution of capelin according to the survey on 26-30 January 2021.

The final advice on capelin catch is 127 300 tonnes

Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) advices that the total allowable catch of capelin in the fishing season 2020/21 should not be more than 127 300 tonnes
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Deepest thanks for the cooperation over the …

Christmas Greetings

Christiane Delongueville and Jónbjörn Pálsson

Fruitful collaboration between MFRI and Belgian zoologists

Collaboration of MFRI with the Belgian zoologists Christiane Delongueville and Roland Scaillet
Photo. Svanhildur Egilsdóttir.

Excellent year for research at sea – despite COVID-19

The Marine & Freshwater Research Institute ‘s research vessels haven‘t missed out on a single tour.
Photo: Móna Lea Óttarsdóttir

Salmon fed on wood

The Marine & Freshwater Research Institute‘s aquaculture farm in Grindavík is now working on an experimental project for Matís
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