LÝSA Merlangius merlangus

Advice 2024/2025

1 571


Advice 2023/2024

1 309


Advice change

20 %

Publication of Advice: 7 June 2024. Published by Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.


MFRI advises in accordance with the MSY approach that catches in the fishing year 2024/2025 should be no more than 1 571 tonnes.

Stock development

Stock size is above Itrigger and the fishing pressure is below FMSY proxy.

Whiting. Catches by gear type, IS-SMB juvenile index (≤20 cm), fishing pressure proxy (FMSYproxy) and IS-SMB biomass (≥40 cm) index. Shaded area and bars represent 95% CI.

Basis of the assessment and reference points

Basis of the advice

MSY approach

Management plan

There is no management plan for this stock

Assessment type

Trends in biomass indicators

Input data

Commercial catch and survey biomass indices (IS-SMB)


Reference point



MSY approach



Iloss defined as the mean IS-SMB survey index 1985–1999

FMSY proxy


Average of the ratio of catch to biomass index for the years for which the fishing pressure proxy relative to MSY proxy (f) > 1, where f = Lmean/LF=γM,K=ϴM is based on Lc (length at 50% of modal abundance), which varies each year.

The ICES framework for category 3 stocks, for which analytical assessment is not possible but trends in biomass indicators are assumed to reflect changes in stock dynamics, was applied. (Category 3 stocks; ICES,2021). The IS-SMB survey index for whiting ≥40 cm is multiplied by an FMSY,proxy, a biomass safeguard (b), and a precautionary multiplier (m). The stability clause was applied since the increase from the previous advice is greater than 20%.

Whiting. Advice calculation.

Ay: Catch advice for 2023/2024

1 309

Biomass index

Latest index value (I2024)

25 762

Fishing pressure proxy**

FMSY proxy: MSY proxy harvest rate (average of the ratio of catch to biomass index for the years for which f>1, where f = Lmean/ LF = γM,K = ϴM )


Biomass safeguard

Index trigger value (Itrigger=Iloss*1.4)

2 152

b: Index relative to trigger value, min{I2024/Itrigger, 1}


Precautionary multiplier to maintain biomass above Blim with 95% probability

m: Multiplier (generic multiplier based on life history)


Advice calculation1)

2 080

Uncertainty cap (+20% / -30% compared to Ay, only applied if b>1)


Catch advice for 2024/2025

1 571

% advice change2)


1) A~y+1~ = I~y~ × F~MSY proxy~ × b × m, limited by stability clause

2) The figures in the table are rounded. Calculations were done with unrounded inputs, and compared values may not match exactly when calculated using the rounded figures in the table.

The advice for this fishing year is higher than the advice for last year because the biomass index has increased.


Recruitment was low in 2009–2014 but has increased since then.

Quality of Assessment

IS-SMB covers the geographical distribution of the fisheries.

Advice, TAC and Catch

Whiting. Recommended TAC, national TAC, and catches (tonnes).

Fishing year

Recommended TAC

National TAC

Total catch





1  003



1  137



1  091

1  252


1  309


1  571

References and further reading

ICES. 2021. Tenth Workshop on the Development of Quantitative Assessment Methodologies based on LIFE-history traits, exploitation characteristics and other relevant parameters for data-limited stocks (WKLIFE X). ICES Scientific Reports. Report https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5985

Stofnmatsskýrslur Hafrannsóknastofnunar 2024. Lýsa. Hafrannsóknastofnun, 7. júní 2024.